Troubleshooting Printer Bluetooth 5.0 Connections With iOS Devices

Submitted by SSi1 on

Recently, we have discovered a Bluetooth connection issue between some newer iOS devices and some latest Zebra printer models. The symptom of the issue is that the Bluetooth connection gets disconnected periodically approximately every 60 seconds. The symptom is visible on the Bluetooth Settings of the iOS devices, where you can see the Bluetooth Settings screen automatically refreshes itself, drops the Bluetooth connection and reconnects a few seconds later.

Zebra DevTalk | Introducing the Verifiable Credential SDK for Zebra Devices | Wednesday, February 16 10 am CDT

Submitted by Stacey Kruczek on

In this webinar, learn how to use the Identity Enabler of the Zebra-IOTA Edge SDK to issue, verify and manage decentralized and interoperable identities for people, organizations and devices.