Watch our director of Engineering, Prashanth Kadur, provide an overview of the EMDK, what business problem it solves, what environments it is commonly used in and how you can start using it
In the webinar Zebra's experts discuss and demonstrate EMDK for Android best practice techniques to ensure your application runs smoothly. Watch this video to learn some of the common pitfalls and how to avoid them.
The ScanAndPair API provides simple methods to programmatically pair/unpair a remote Bluetooth device. In this webinar we will demonstrate how to use these API's when pairing BlueTooth Printers.
About EMDK For Android
EMDK for Android includes class libraries, sample apps and source code that enables developers to easily build apps that take full advantage of the power of Zebra devices.
Barcode APIs
Shows how to scan barcodes based on selected scanner device, trigger type and a few decoder parameters.
Scanning with Kotlin
Explains how use EMDK for Android to build a scanning app using Kotlin.
Scan and Pair
Shows how the Scan and Pair API is used to pair Bluetooth devices programmatically.
Document Capture
Shows how the Simulscan APIs are used to capture multiple types of data from paper forms.
UDI Label Scanning
Shows how the Barcode API's UDI label scanning features are used.
Bluetooth Scanner Notification
Shows how to use the Notification APIs for Bluetooth scanners to control things such as LEDs, beepers & vibration.
Barcode Scanning API Programmer's Guide
The EMDK Barcode API provides applications with the ability to read numerous barcode label formats using a variety of built-in and pluggable cameras, imagers, lasers and scanners. For the full list, see scanners supported by EMDK for Android.
Basic Scanning with Barcode API
This guide provides a walk-through of the steps for creating an application that uses Barcode/Scanning APIs to perform Scanning operations on a Zebra Android device without using Profile Wizard. The API uses Barcode Manager, which is the primary object for accessing barcode scanning features.
Advanced Barcode API Usage
This guide walks through creation of an app using the Barcode/Scanning APIs introduced in EMDK-A 3.0 to perform additional options along with scanning operations on Zebra Android devices without using Profile Wizard. The API uses Barcode Manager, which is the primary object to access barcode scanning feature.
Setting The Clock
Shows how to create a custom application for setting system time using the Profile Manager's Clock feature.
Rebooting The Device
Shows how to set the power state to "Suspend" (sleep mode) or to "Reset" (reboot) the device.
App Manager
Shows how to use EMDK for Android Profile APIs to manage App Manager profiles.
Using WirelessMgr
Shows how to enable and disable the Bluetooth radio on a device.
GPRS Settings
Shows how to add/replace a named APN and remove an existing named APN.
Using Profile Manager
Profile Manager enhances the Android Studio IDE with a GUI-based tool for generating all the code required to access and configure Zebra device features and settings. This enables developers to target Zebra devices with fewer lines of code, fewer errors and reduced overall development time.
MX Management System Overview
Learn about MX, or Mobility Extensions, which expose vast configuration options to developers & device administrators.
Choosing an MX Version
Selecting an MX version for your device, OS & LG patch versions.
MX Feature Compatibility
View all of the MX APIs, their dependencies, status & requirements etc...
Using Push-to-Talk
Enables Push-to-Talk functions on a Zebra device without unlocking it
App Signature Tool
Used to extract the signature file from APK or DER file(s)
Serial Communication
Demonstrates the EMDK Serial Communication API to enable support for DEX (data exchange) in an application. DEX is a format for collecting audit and event data from vending machines.
Personal Shopper
Shows how the Personal Shopper APIs are used to programmatically interact with the PC20 cradle.
Notifcation Package
Base package for Bluetooth Notifcation functionality via EMDK
Personal Shopper
Base package for Personal Shopper (PS20/ MC18) functionality via EMDK
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UPDATED BY: Daniel Neamtu - 11 months 4 weeks ago // Expert user has replied.302