Things We Learned at APPFORUM AMERICAS 2017
APPFORUM AMERICAS united Tech Leaders and Developers to engage in a conversation to architect and build the enterprise for the future. The keynotes from Google and Microsoft, along with some intriguing breakout sessions, helped us answer these questions and share our best APPFORUM to date.
Kicking off our conference was Jack Weixel from Google who focused specifically on connected workspaces and the impact on the enterprise. Connected workspaces for Android deliver personalized experiences through mobile devices and thus you’ll have more empowered employees, engaged customers, and intelligent spaces forging together through connected workspaces.
Chuck Bolen, Senior Director of Systems Engineering at Zebra Technologies, showed that Google Mobile Services (GMS) is a good fit for enterprise deployment and includes benefits such as app verification and cloud API’s. Interest peaked as he identified how GMS addresses issues with privacy, security and the set-up wizard.
Adebayo Onigbanjo, Director of Marketing for Enterprise Intelligence Software, Zebra Technologies, delivered an intriguing presentation “Enabling Intelligent Workflow through Data.” By fusing location proximity, we are enabling smarter environments and applications and in turn, empowering people with the right information at the right time, improving productivity. Zebra Technologies is seeking Early Adopter Partners to engage with a Beta version of this platform. If interested please email
In addition to some spectacular sessions, the Mini-Hacks proved to be a huge success. The developers relished diving deep into code topics such as scanner integration, browser print, and printing with Xamarin. Being able to connect with experts first-hand, face-to-face was truly beneficial.
We have shared some of our top presentations on our website APPFORUM AMERICAS so you can flavor some of rich technology sessions. You can still register for at APPFORUM EUROPE, June 14-16th in Prague. Attend our final APPFORUM events in SHANGHAI or MELBOURNE scheduled for the end of July 2017. Register Now

Stacey Kruczek