Dynamsoft Edge Detect Doc Capture Demo
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Dynamsoft Edge Detect Doc Capture Demo
Ian Hatton
Zebra EMEA
Dec 2019 (Revised June 2020)
With the discontinuation of development of Simulscan, we have identified an alternative document capture library from Dynamsoft which supports capturing documents up to A4 size via the rear camera using edge detection only. Note that this library (Dynamsoft Camera SDK) is not being actively maintained but is still available for purchase with an option to request access to the SDK source code. This demo was created by James Swinton-Bland (Zebra EMEA) using the Dynamsoft SDK and demonstrates how it can be used for edge-detect document capture. Source code for the demo is posted here: https://github.com/JamesSwinton/Camera-Document-Capture
- Install the demo using the StageNow barcode below (device will require a pre-configured internet connection)
- Run the Camera Document Capture application and then either tap the screen or press the enter key (PTT key on the TC52/57/72/77 , Grip Trigger2 on the TC8300) to start the document capture preview. Ensure that the document is framed by the blue border and then press enter or the on-screen camera icon to capture the image
- Adjust the corners of the captured image frame (by dragging the white circles) if required and press OK to confirm. At the subsequent processed image save screen , press the green icon to save and the red icon to discard. Note that the processed image has been deskewed, cropped and normalised compared to the previous image.
- Captured image is stored under /sdcard/Camera Document Capture/Processed Images/

Ian Hatton