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Team, Potential customer (Pepsi) sent to me the attached photo of the MC5574 screen displaying "washed" stripes on the contrast picture (Photo_090809_002.jpg). I've highlighted the problematic spots…
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HI, Is there any plan to support RFID DLL ver 3.32. Abdul Hamid
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The attached file is the recording for the September '09 ADC RFID TAVT call.  The partner application link for PTS TracerPlus for the MT20X0 is:
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Team, I'm looking for the references to sea port deployments - any applications and preferably MC and WiFi devices. Customer uses LXE and Psion/Tek, has a feeling that only their gadgets may work…
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Team, What product can be propsed where customer looking for pda form factor device with GSM coonectivity, will scan the application form in A4 size, capture signature and transfer the data.
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Team, I'm looking for the references to sea port deployments - any applications and preferably MC and WiFi devices. Customer uses LXE and Psion/Tek, has a feeling that only their gadgets may work…
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1) Time/Date     Sept. 09/08 2) Response time 3) Product          WT4090 4) OS Version     BSP35 5) Clarify Case #1965123 ·…
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Does anyone have pictures or info on locations that customers are installing the half-screen 5090 on fork lifts?  My customer mounted it in the upper right hand corner on the fork lift cage, but…
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Team, I'm looking for the references to sea port deployments - any applications and preferably MC and WiFi devices. Customer uses LXE and Psion/Tek, has a feeling that only their gadgets may work…
Forum topic
The attached file is the recording for the September '09 ADC RFID TAVT call.  The partner application link for PTS TracerPlus for the MT20X0 is:…