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I'm sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong forum and if I use the wrong terminology. I'm very new to RhoMobile and have a question that will influence how much further I go. My company has been asked…
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RMS 5.4.0 Android SDK build-tools: 23.0.3Ndk:   android-ndk-r9d 32bit I have set sdk and ndk path correctly. When I build first default app using Rhosimulator it build successfully but I…
Forum topic
Hi! Is any way to live debugging like pry_remote etc.? I have RhoStudio, toggle breakpoint and run debug, but it sucks becouse only what i can it's use expressions panel and outline panel which it's…
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Hi folks, The two finger plastic is broken at the first use,in this case is impossible use the ring have a similar situation? attached the image Bye
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RS507 support seems to work well in general with this OS release and , as with pairing to a WT41N0, it is necessary to press the 507 pairing button to reconnect to the WT after an out-of-range…
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Hi .. I have to connect my Rhomobile app to Conduit db and sync to that using wmi method. Can anyone tell me proper way to do this. thanks in advance.
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Hi.. I am working Rhomobile application and i dont know how to run javascript code with ruby language.  How can i cofigure Rhomobile suite to default build javascript.
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I have to connect conduit database using wmi method. I have to connect db that is at remote location. I think there is problem in remote address at first line.  In javascript function sync_data…
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Hello,   In this moment i have to develop an application to CC5000 using barcode and i need to know is if can i use EMDK to develop app to this device?   I tried install the sample app (…
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Hi I would like to test proximity scanning on RS6000 to see if there are any improvements versus RS507. Is there any beta reference guide for RS6000 available ? regards Kjell