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I am working with an iMZ320 printer using ZPL language. For some reason when I try to create a wrap for my printer object - ZebraPrinterLinkOs linkOsPrinter = ZebraPrinterFactory.createLinkOsPrinter(…
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Hi there, awe are creating an app and would like to know what SDK to use with the GK420d printer, is Link OS the correct approach or just sending the printer Raw ZPL? Kind regards Connor
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Hi, I am trying to use Link-OS SDK Xamarin to create connection to ZD 500 printer by Wifi. It works perfectly on Android. But when I test iOS project with a iPod (ios version 9.3), it is not working…
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So this is a bit more of an open ended question,  but I have a java interface I've written that generates vector images (which are how I render labels so as to avoid text blurring), in a .svg…
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Hello,   My name is Leandro Perez. I'm Hardware Development Leader in APES. I am developing a software in Java language that print RFID tags in the Zebra ZD500R Printer through USB interface. I…
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Hi   I have a Zebra ZQ510 BT printer, and i am not able to print using the sdk.  I can connect and get a ready to print status, but when i write the zpl via the connection it does nothing.…
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When using the Xamarin LinkOS sdk to store an Android.Graphics.Bitmap object for later printing, are there any requirements as to the format or type of Bitmap?  The reason I'm asking is that…
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Brand new Xamarin Forms application with iOS platform project. Added LinkOS_Xamarin_SDK in forms project and iOS project (v1.1.75). Placed the following code in one of my page code behind:  …
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We purchased PDF-Direct to work with our Zebra ZD420 in hopes that it would let us print Amazon labels from within Amazon Vendor Central. Even though we purchased this through Zebra’s website I am…
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Hi !   I'm looking for some code samples for websocked base connection with .Net and C#. I was told you were planning to add it in one of releases, any progress with that ?