Forum topic
Hi , i tested the demo code GitHub - Zebra/LinkOS-PC-Samples at ZSDK_DevDemos_Java   to detect zebra zxp serie 3 (on usb mode) , but its' not detected, it displays OS not supported when no…
Forum topic
Hi, I've been trying to make use of printing using bluetooth low-energy on the ZD620 and have been successful so far. However, the speed at which I can send ZPL to the printer is quite slow. Android…
Forum topic
Olá, Estamos desenvolvendo uma aplicação para impressão de etiquetas usando o Zebra Browser Print, porem ao enviar uma quantidade grande de etiquetas com dados diferentes, o driver altera a ordem de…
Forum topic
Just providing a list of steps I created to both configure a device and send a play store application to the device.​​
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I have a ZT230 printer.  I send it several labels (50-100) to print, each as a separate job, via the print driver.  The driver is set up to pause after each job. I need to programmatically…
Forum topic
Hello, i've a new MC3300 Device and try to program the yellow Buttons. If i start the Key Programmer (Settings -> Key Programmer) i get the following error: MxFramworkService not running Cannot…
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Hi, I'm doing preliminary C# coding for the ZXP Series 3 card printer. Note: there is no ribbon installed. * Using Mifare 1K cards * Comparing my code against a HID Global OMNIKEY 5422CL * Using the…
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Hello, does anyone know a solution to exchange files with a PC via a USB-connetcion automatically/ without user-activity on the device? Yes, you can use USB-Debugging with ADB.EXE but this is a high…
Forum topic
Hi, when we print many cards on the Zebra ZXP Series 7 printer, sometimes we receive this error message at the end of the job:: Print error Job: PrintGraphicsLayers Failed (13008) - Job: Job buffer…
Forum topic
Hi Zebra, could you help me with the following ZPLII code? ^XA ~DYR:MILOGO,P,P,429,,…