We have had a recent challenge on the MPA1.5 platform that mainfests in customer installed applications absent from a fully provisioned device. This condition takes the appearance of a "clean…
We are running the Wavelink TelnetCE (v.7.0.12) on an MC3090G (48-key keypad), VT100 mode. We can create a hyphen (minus sign) by invoking the keyboard and selecting hyphen. Is…
Hi all, I have a customer in Dominican Republic with the need to connect the new MKs to their POS system for price verification and customer loyalty program. They were using the old MK11XX …
Hi, Has anyone interfaced our RFID products into the LAWSON ERP product? I have a Lawson customer interested in RFID and they want an example of where we have worked with them. Regards, Andy
Hi All, I had a Software Developer tell Coke NZ to approach Motorola and request us to change the Registry key as follows because our MC75 has a device configuration issue (they claim our default…
I'm starting to wok on some MC17Ts and having a bit of trouble locally configuring the devices. Does anyone know how to get the virtual keyboard to display? The keyboard icon is not available…
Dear Sir Please I need to know How to enable the ESC Key in the MC5574(Alfanumeric version) Virtual Keyboard, there is no ESC key in the virtual keyboard. please advise
Hi all: I want to establish a connection using ConnMgrEstablishConnectionSync. But I want to force this connection to use WiFi only. For example: when it…