Forum topic
I am using ZD500R printer with my iOS app. I am able to get alerts from printer using TCP/IP connection. But I am facing an intermittent issue where alerts are not coming to app, but printer is still…
Forum topic
There is a racing condition between the initialization of MfiBtPrinterConnection and ZebraPrinterFactory's getInstance that occurs on recent iOS devices.         connection = [[[…
Forum topic
I have an app that has multiple screens and only a few those screens use barcode scanning. Obviously I link libsymbolbt-sdk.a to my App and things work. Or they did... With the latest update if I try…
Forum topic
I got problems compiling project with iOS ZSDK it cause this error : Undefined symbols for architecture armv7: "_OBJC_CLASS_$_EASession", referenced from: objc-class-ref in libZSDK_API.a(…
Forum topic
Hello guys. I have got some problem. My App works with printer Zebra ZQ520. I connected with BLE. When I send some command like private func writeZebraScript(zpl: String) { guard let…
Blog entry
As an iOS app developer, you would be very disappointed when your app gets rejected by Apple, saying “We are unable to post your app to the App Store at this time because your app has not been…
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Blog entry
Recently, we received a lot of feedback from developers about their app rejections from Apple App Store Review Team for apps using Bluetooth to connect with Zebra printers. In this blog, I'll address…
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