Forum topic
I am using the EMDK for Xamarin for a custom built app for configuring our Zebra devices. We also use EHS to help lock down the device to certain apps. I am wondering if there is any way from our…
Blog entry
We recently had an exchange on the developer portal with an administrator who wanted to: Start Enterprise Browser when the device was powered on. Prevent end users from accessing any application…
Blog entry
Updated October 2018 A number of new MX features have been added to the platform related to locking down your device since the last update to this post. Updated July 2017 Enterprise Browser 1.7…
Blog entry
There's a signpost up ahead for Zebra's cross-platform development environment. With the release this week of Enterprise Browser 1.6, the solution can now be used to build kiosk apps and other…
Blog entry
What’s the differentiation between consumer and built-for-enterprise devices, and what does this mean to developers?  How do we make Android the right fit for businesses?   Let’s focus on…
Blog entry
They're supposed to be picking orders and managing inventory, but the warehouse guys are frequently spotted standing around an MC92 laughing at viral videos. Android has gained plenty of traction…