A Quicker Way To Enable/Disable Bar Code Scanning

Submitted by cfh463 on

After my webinar yesterday on the SB1 application development, a co-worker came to me asking if there was a faster way to enable the scanner on the device. Before I get into what we ended up doing, let me discuss the current way most people enable and disable the barcode scanner using RhoElements. In our Scanner API we have the .enable() and .disable() methods. When you do:

Adding Network Connection Events to your RhoElements Hybrid Application.

Submitted by USER02094 on

When a device resumes from standby, it can take a while for the radio (WLAN) to establish a connection. If your application requires interaction with a remote server then notification of a valid network connection may be required. This can be achieved using the Network API supplied as part of RhoElements. Here is a quick walk-through example that makes use of the Network API.

RhoMobile Suite 2.2 - More JavaScript, More Exciting Device Capabilities

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Today we are excited to announce the release candidate of RhoMobile Suite 2.2 and RhoElements 2.2 (it should be announced as final early next week). RhoElements 2.2 continues to expand the JavaScript support that we offer. It also expands the exciting array of device capabilities that we offer access to.