WLAN - ADSP RoadMap presentation

Submitted by hjrw86 on

This morning Sunalini Sankharavam, Director of Product Management for EWLAN delivered an update on the EWLAN / ADSP roadmap.

It was well attended (115 people made the live session) and well-liked (82% "very high" or "high rating on Job Impact).

The recording is posted at http://compass.mot-solutions.com/go/460281459  - note that the first minute or so of the recording is voice only.

If you have questions related to the presentation, PLEASE POST THEM HERE so EWLAN experts can answer each one only once.

Evaluating RhoMobile Suite 4 as mobile enterprise application platform (MEAP)

Submitted by 4124765e-1fa8-… on

Today's mobility landscape offers more options than ever before for companies and departments developing mobile enterprise applications. While having multiple vendors to choose from is definitely valuable, it also makes decisions more difficult, as each option comes with its own pros and cons. In this article we will examine some points to consider when evaluating a mobile enterprise application platform.

RhoElements APD Printing

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

In a few weeks I'll go into detail about how to print using the RhoMobile suite to Zebra printers. Until then, I thought I would bring up printing with the RhoElements runtime and APD.  There is a good amount of documentation out there for this, but I thought I could add some updates and it occurred to me that a good basic example would be useful.


Updating your MC40 to JellyBean, Latest Version

Submitted by hjrw86 on

Before you start (or "Step 0" for those of you who like zero-based arrays)

Check your device to see if it is GB or JB ..and whether it is a Voice or Non-Voice unit. Here's how..

- check your Build Number in Settings.. About Device.  

   - if the 2nd section is "4AJ11" this unit is already on JellyBean - SKIP TO STEP 3 below

   - if it has the string "-V0-" it is a voice unit. If it has the string "-00-" it is non-voice unit