Cleverence Soft, LLC Achieves Validation status Wonderfid™ Label Solution

Anonymous (not verified) -

Company/Partner: Cleverance Soft, LLC

Validated Solution: Wonderfid™ Label

Validated on: ZD500R, ZT400 RFID

Description: Wondefid Label is a complex RFID solution for retail and warehouse that covers everything from RFID-labelling to anti-theft. It consists of a Wonderfid server and a set of APIs, tools and utilities, like Wonderfid Printing and Wonderfid POS Utility, which can be easily integrated with existing infrastructure.

As a unique solution for printing RFID-labels, Wonderfid allows to print from any application and at the same time encode RFID labels on a RFID printer. You don`t need any special RFID skills for using this solution. You can print from anywhere and from any application. Wonderfid works in the background and properly updates everything that goes to print on the RFID printer to ensure the RFID labels encoded correctly.


Anonymous (not verified)

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