Zebra DEVPODCAST: How Do You Develop for Enterprise Deployment?

Stacey Kruczek -

Speaking with Brett Cooper from BlueFletch and Brent Grandil from Arrowhead, our hosts Dan Quagliana and Mark Jolley, learn from these Zebra partners about app maintenance and continuous development when developing for the Enterprise. BlueFletch builds Enterprise mobile apps, with a focus on Android rugged devices. Arrowhead creates custom solutions and software applications for enterprise printing like Mobi Print.

Brett and Brent discuss how they balance app deployments across multiple operating systems and operating system versions, partnering with their customers on app and OS updates, and balancing the risks of security versus compatibility. They also discuss their approach to third party library usage, as these are a necessity, yet add additional security and maintenance risks.

Hear how these two developers and business leaders approach Enterprise deployments via App Stores and custom deployment for their Enterprise customers varying in size from single use to tens of thousands. Learn how partnering with Zebra has accelerated and simplified app development, deployment, and sustaining for companies like BlueFletch and Arrowhead.

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Stacey Kruczek

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