Industry News - Week of Nov. 16, 2020

Edward Correia -

IN THIS ISSUE: Play Store Apps Found with Malware; DropBox Mea Culpa; Smart Shelves at Amazon; Mute-button Mishap; App Security Commandments; Deep Dive Into Deep Links 

21 Play Store Apps Found with Malware  

If you thought that the Google Play store's "scanning app for malware" message prior to each download kept devices safe, think again.  Nearly two dozen apps--which had been downloaded more than 7 million times--were removed last week due to "HiddenAds," a type of malware. 

diagram showing string lowercasing

DropBox Explains its 'Counterintuitive Fix' For Android

Perhaps more fascinating than the explanation itself is the openness of the company to explain how a few small flaws in its Android file path normalization led to catastrophic crashes and file corruption issues. 


Smart Shelves On Tap at Amazon

Forget seeing-eye robots that scan and replenish inventory. A new solution from Amazon Business works with network-connected shelving that senses weight changes on a shelf and offers suggestions as to what's in need of a restock.  


Mute-button Mishap

There's a reason that UI/UX designers exist; designing and developing intuitive user interfaces and software experiences can be challenging.  After all, who hasn't been confused as to which mute button icon means the mic is on or off? 


Thou Shalt Secure Thine App

If you care at all about the security of your apps and the organization in which they run, bookmark this link and refer to it before any new deployment. 


Deep Dive into Deep Links

When linking from one app to another, it's sometimes helpful to the user experience if the link jumps past the outer layers of the app's normal flow pattern and goes directly to the relevant content. Here's a deep dive into the Android Navigation component that's also available in video format


Edward Correia

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