Android 15 Released With an Emphasis on Developers
IN THIS ISSUE: Android 15 Focus on Devs; Can OpenAI Really Reason?; Android Launcher Feedback Welcomed; 9 Tips for Faster Builds; Tutorial: Testing Edge-to-Edge UI; Notifications Might Soon Sync Across Devices
In Android 15, The Focus is on Developers
With the release of Android 15 earlier this month, Google clearly places emphasis on developers and simplifying the development process. It also announced the deprecation of the Vendor Native Development Kit.
Can OpenAI 'Strawberry' Release Really Reason?
OpenAI has reportedly unveiled a version of its ChatGPT model that can take on more complex questions than its predecessor and provide answers more quickly. Being touted as the ability to "reason" as might a human being, it also could come at a far less reasonable price.
Android Launcher Feedback Welcomed
Frustrated with Google's seeming lack of interest in hearing from Android launcher developers and users? Now's your chance to be heard. Lawnchair, Smart Launcher and other third-parties made a launcher issues survey, results of which they plan to present to Google in October.
9 Tips for Speeding Up The Build
With today's global development teams, it's no longer good enough to say "as long as it's done by morning" when referring to the so-called nightly build. What's night for some is already the next morning for others. Here are some real-world hacks that might grease the skids for some.
Tutorial: Testing the Edge-to-Edge UI
Like it or not, Android 15 implements the edge-to-edge UI. This means that windows of all apps targeting API 35 will occupy the device screen from top-to-bottom and side-to-side, and system and nav bars will be transparent. This tutorial shows how to test and get apps ready.
Notifications Might Soon 'Sync across devices'
Here's a vexing Android feature that appears to be on the chopping block. For those that use multiple Android devices, such as a phone and a tablet, notifications appear on all and interactions with them also must be replicated all. This is one feature we definitely will not miss.

Edward Correia