Industry News - Week of Feb. 21, 2022

Edward Correia -

IN THIS ISSUE: Apache ECharts a Top-Level Project; Taking a Crack at JavaScript; Look Deeply into Eyes of Chrome; Building an Adaptive Favicon; A Wordle Font Nobody Can See; How Much Research is Enough?


Apache ECharts Reaches Top-level Status

In incubation since 2018, the Apache Software Foundation's ECharts project has been elevated to top-level status. The project, which provides commercial-grade data visual elements, is already in use at Amazon, Intel and others.


Phoenix LiveView Takes a Crack at JavaScript

Is there room for another server-side browser UI builder? Chris McCord reportedly thinks so. His goal for the Phoenix LiveView framework he created is not to get rid of single-page applications, but to make them unnecessary for most situations. 


worker process and IPC

Look Deeply Into Eyes of Chrome

For those who've wondered what really goes on inside a web browser, this Google "drawsplainer" lays it bare. The multi-part series examines the browser's inner workings in simple language and intuitive animations and illustrations.  


Large and easy to distinguish light and dark favicon examples.

Building an Adaptive Favicon

Some websites go to great lengths to present a relevant favicon in their browser tabs, while others seem content to let the browser decide. For organizations in the former category, here are some techniques to ensure a favicon that adapts to site content. 


The Wordle Font Nobody Can See

By now, most people not living in caves have either played the popular Wordle word-guessing game, or at least seen player results posted on social media. Here's a peek behind the scenes at one of the world's latest viral sensations.  


How Much Design Research is Enough? 

When designing a new software product, knowing too little about its users risks total project failure. Yet spending too much time on research adds risks of other kinds. Here's how to identify signs of each to help mitigate those risks.  



Edward Correia

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