Droidcon Berlin 2022 | Recap
Last month, we had the opportunity once again to sponsor and attend Droidcon Berlin 2022. It was my first time back in-person since the pandemic and it was certainly great to be back. We had a fantastic three days, meeting over 300 developers from all over the world with unique experiences and perspectives. As always, one of our main objectives at these events is to raise awareness of Zebra and the tools we offer our developer community; to that end, Berlin, as always, proved to be a great success. Zippies and devsocks always prove to be a hot commodity for giveaway items and never fail to attract developers to the booth ! Once engaged in conversation with developers, I am always taken aback at the enthusiasm and excitement that Droidcon brings out in people.
On the first day, I had the privilege to present a lightening talk: “Developing apps for low memory / small screen Android devices”. I spoke about some of the development challenges and best practices that are common across the wearable space and of course took the opportunity to speak a bit about the WS50, our new enterprise wearable, running Android 11 (AOSP). The talk was very well attended and it is always a pleasure to hear positive feedback at the booth. You can watch the recording of my talk on the Droidcon's website.
On the second day, I was invited to do a podcast with the Droidcon Team, which was a surprise as this was something new for Droidcon but none the less an opportunity I was more than happy to take. We spoke briefly about my opinions on Droidcon and the sessions in general, before talking in a bit more about Zebra as a whole and why we sponsor and attend these events each year. I will share the recording once its published!
Lastly, I just want to take this opportunity to thank our Zebra team: Daniel, Moataz and Dierk for their excellent support at the event and of course the Droidcon Team for organizing another fantastic event.
We will be back to do it all again next year, but before that we’ll be heading to Droidcon London on the 28th & 29thOctober, so make sure to stop by the Zebra booth, say hello and pick up some cool swag!

James Swinton-Bland