How to disable the kiosk mode with EHS?

// Expert user has replied.
E Eric Schmeck 3 years 5 months ago
144 5 0

Hi, I am using the ET1 and I installed ENTERPRISE HOME SCREEN (EHS) version 1.1.3.
I activated the kiosk mode in EHS and when I want to leave the app I call the following intent to deactivate the kiosk mode:
Intent intent = new Intent("enterprisehomescreen.MODIFY_KIOSK_MODE");
intent.putExtra("enable", false);
But this is not working. The app still runs in kiosk mode and I can't exit it.
There are two more things that do not work properly:
Settings icon is still visible and I still can pulldown the statusbar.
The installed Android version on the ET1 is 4.1.1.

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5 Replies

V Vojtech Robotka

Hi Eric,

try to change enterprisehomescreen.MODIFY_KIOSK_MODE to com.motorolasolutions.enterprisehomescreen.actions.MODIFY_KIOSK_MODE

This should help.


E Eric Schmeck

Thank you, I will try this

E Eric Schmeck

Same problem with TC55, I can't exit the kiosk mode...

works fine on TC55.

E Evgene Vigoutov

settings icon will not work for ET1 (there is SPR to make changes in OS)
status bar pulldown will work for EHS 1.2 (can be downlaoded from Support portal

G Georg Rosel

I got the same Issue reported - also TC55. Could you meanwhile solve this?

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