Android print on Citizen printer (zebra mode) conntected on print server

S Slobodan Liric 3 years 5 months ago
128 2 0


I'm trying to print Bitmap from android demo application ZSDK_DemosAndroid, but only empty sticker coming out from printer.

Attached is the java class.

I'm wonder, is the fact that this is USB printer,  connected on the print server?

I've succeeded to print from Windows Mobile application, and from Motorola devices, but from android I've bumped on this problem.

Can you please help me?

Printer: Citizzen, CL-S621 (Zebra mode)

Language is ZPL

Thank you.

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2 Replies

D Dmitry Prokhorov

Hello Slobodan,

Seems you are using Link-OS SDK for Android​ that has no support for 3rd-party printers. In some cases it may work for some printers that have ZPL emulation and it may not work for other cases. It may worth to consider moving to Zebra printer.

In your source code I can see you are using which is not documented. Instead you may need to use ZebraImageFactory class

Also, here are examples on how you can print graphics on Link OS SDK compatible printers:
GraphicsUtil (Zebra API for Android (build v2.14.5097))
FormatUtil (Zebra API for Android (build v2.14.5097))

Dmitry Prokhorov
Software Engineer, Kutir Mobility
Posted on behalf of Zebra Technologies

S Slobodan Liric

However, I can manage to print test label with the same application .. file attached.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?