Zebra barcode scanner BLE connect from Web Bluetooth API (Chrome)

C Clovek Testovaci 3 years 7 months ago
199 1 1

How can I connect to Zebra barcode scanner (DS8178) BLE from Bluetooth web api (Chrome, Linux and Android)?

I switch scanner host type to SSI BT LE.I can easily connect from Android app (nRF Connect or BLE Scanner) and there I can see all services.In Chrome I can see my scanner in navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice(). When I get BluetoothDevice from navigator I can output following:
BluetoothDevice {id: "FfeQPSDWzZDPhWfVB+k4+g==", name: "DS8178 18250010508197", gatt: BluetoothRemoteGATTServer, ongattserverdisconnected: null}  gatt: BluetoothRemoteGATTServer {connected: false, device: BluetoothDevice}  id: "FfeQPSDWzZDPhWfVB+k4+g=="  name: "DS8178 18250010508197"  ongattserverdisconnected: null  __proto__: BluetoothDevice
But when I try to connect using BluetoothDevice.gatt.connect() I get this exception:
DOMException: {  code: 19,  name: NetworkError,  message: Connection failed for unknown reason.}

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1 Replies

j joel landau

did anyone figure it out?

Can’t find what you’re looking for?