EHS programatically login as Admin

B Bartlomiej Biernacki 3 years 3 months ago
39 1 0

I am developing an application on Zebra Android Barcode reader which will be working in Kiosk Mode using EHS.
Is it possible to login as an administrator using my application (not EHS UI)?

I found a way to leave a kiosk mode using Intent("com.symbol.enterprisehomescreen.actions.MODIFY_KIOSK_MODE");
and I want to use this after user pass a password in my application.

I can leave a kiosk mode using this, but still device is in "user mode" which does not have any access to device settings. Is it possible to login as admin from mine application, so user does not need to login twice? (once for leaving a kiosk mode and second to log as admin on EHS).

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1 Replies


Hi, no, I'm afraid this is not possible.  The only way to access administrator mode on the device is via the EHS UI.

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