FX7500 programmable maximum output power

E Efkan YILMAZ 3 years 7 months ago
2 1 0


From the datasheet FX7500 reader should support up to 31.5dBm. However I can only manage to configure it up to 29.2 as indicated in Reader.ReaderCapabilities.TransmitPowerLevelValues array. I also have the same problem with FX9600 reader but with different power values

I am using EMDK v2.9 C# and VS2008. Reader is powered via sector adaptor (power via POE limit antenna power to 30dBm).

Am I doing something wrong ?


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1 Replies

J Jean Félix Mary

To be more specific : On the FX7500 reader I have powers of Reader.ReaderCapabilities.TransmitPowerLevelValues ransge from 10dBm (as stated in datasheet) to 29.2dBm, where datasheet claims 31.5dBm.

Maybe the EN302208 regulation I use (for Europe) limits this value ?

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