BrowserPrint SSL Certificate issues

// Expert user has replied.
Z Zane Ouimet 3 years 7 months ago
1341 3 0

We are serving the Browser Print from an HTTPS site.
We are on version
When attempting to print we often have issue where Chrome just refuses to connect to the BrowserPrint service due to SSL issues.
Manually visiting: https://localhost:9101/ssl_support can sometimes fix it but then Chrome displays a security error and there is no way to detect if the requests are failing due to an SSL issue.

The workflow is

Install BrowserPrint
Accept SSL
Visit our site

Is there a way we can:

Prompt the user when the SSL certificate is the cause
Have Chrome consider the certificate safe
Not have the certificate expire

We are looking for a more seamless way to setup and verify the connection to BrowserPrint.
There are some related threads: ​ but they are dead.

Also we are seeing the Error: net::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID
Which as described here seems to be due to a change in how Chrome handles part of the certificate verification:
Error: "Subject Alternative Name Missing" or NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID or "Your connection is not private" - Goo…

Firefox/Postmat displays a warning about a self signed certificate which i thought was removed in this version:
localhost:9101 uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate is not trusted because it is self-signed. The certificate is only valid for . Error code: MOZILLA_PKIX_ERROR_SELF_SIGNED_CERT

I've also found in the source of the latest BrowserPrint SDK:
f = "";    0

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3 Replies

S Steven Si

When you say "1. Install BrowserPrint", you probably referring to the installation on your local PC or Mac. You will also needed to update the javascript library on your web server with the one comes with the BrowserPrinter installer. Hope this will solve the cert issue.

Z Zane Ouimet

​ Appreciate any help you can give with this.

C Christopher Ensign

Are you using the latest version of the BrowserPrint.js library that came with the version of the application? Using the latest JavaScript library will allow you to make https connections to Browser Print without having to use the self-signed certificate. You should not see that error with the new script.

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