EB access serial device with comm API on android

T Tomasz Forstmeier 3 years 5 months ago
2 0 0

Hi everyone,

I use the comm rho mobile API to access the serial port with the enterprise browser 1.8 and send data to the port.
The device is MC32 with Windows CE 6.
Now we try to use the same code on the MC33 device running with android 7 and it's not working.

The connected device on the serial port is recognized by android and can be accessed by other apps like "FTDI UART Terminal v1.1"
With this app we can send a HEX string and the serial port recieves the string.
After sending the string with enterprise browser on android MC33, nothing happens.

Here is the javascript code working with windows CE:
    comm.close();    comm.endChar = 13;    comm.port = "COM9";    comm.commEvent = "url('JavaScript:commCallback(%json);')";    comm.baudRate = 19200;    comm.dataBits = 8;    comm.open();     comm.writeBytes = '%3E %31 %3F %0D';
So the port on windows is "COM9" (it is a virtual COM port runnig with the FTDI driver "usb to serial")

On Android we tried other Ports like "/dev/ttyUSB0" or "/dev/ttyS0" but nohting works.
Does anybody know the right port or can help me how to access the serial port with the enterprise browser on android?

Thanks for your help

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