FX9500 reader configuration not persisting

D David Chouinard 3 years 5 months ago
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we are developping a .NET app using the Symbol.RFID3 API to read tags from a bistatic FX9500 reader, but we currently have an issue with the reader's configuration being changed every time the app starts a reading operation.

Intially, our correctly saved Antenna Configuration looks like this on the web browser interface :

After we start reading tags from our app, the Mux Sequence configuration gets changed to either "12" or "34", like on this screenshot :

To eliminate our code as the potential cause of the issue, we tested whether or not the configuration would change if we initiated the reading operation using the CS_RFID3_Host_Sample2 demo application, and we have the same behavior.

Could it be the Symbol.RFID3 API that would reset some configuration on the reader, or do you guys have an idea of what could cause this ? Is there a way we could ensure that the configuration is not changed ?

Any help would be greatly appreciated !

Edit 1 :

The apps used to connect to the reader are running on Windows 7 Professionnal
Symbol.RFID3 API (with RFIDAPI32PC.dll 64-bit version comes from the Zebra RFID Host .NET SDK for Windows v 1.0.1

Edit 2 :

When looking at the Command History Log in the reader's web console, I saw that the mux sequence alternates when a read operation is started. I post it here in case it would help someone figuring out what might cause this. These log entries were generated after starting reading tags from the Host_Sample2 demo application.

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