Android EDMK Manager Data Capture Profile not used

F Felix von der Heide 3 years 5 months ago
2 1 0

I have a Problem with applying a custom profile to my app. It should be a basic thing to enable only the decoders "Interleaved 2of5" and "Code128", but it does not work.

Some things to note:

My processProfileAsync returns SUCCESS, but the scanner does not send data to the Scanner.DataListener::onData.
When I set the profile to some profile existing on the device, e.g. "DWDemo",  I get FAILURE on profile processing, but am able to scan some codes (e.g. Code128). So there is some kind of fallback Profile. But this also means my code generally works.

I guess there is a Problem with the EMDKConfig.xml (see attachment), even though I used the EMDK Profile Manager to build it.

Here is how I call the profile manager (Kotlin Code).

override fun onOpened(manager: EMDKManager) {        emdkManager = manager.apply {            barcodeManager = getInstance(EMDKManager.FEATURE_TYPE.BARCODE) as BarcodeManager            profileManager = getInstance(EMDKManager.FEATURE_TYPE.PROFILE) as ProfileManager        }        profileManager.addDataListener {            Log.d(logTag,                "ProfileManager profile name: ${it.profileName},                status: ${it.result.statusCode}")        }        profileManager.processProfileAsync(           profilName,           ProfileManager.PROFILE_FLAG.SET,           arrayOfNulls(1)        )        initializeScanner()}
Can someone help me to set a Profile that works for the decoder types above?

Device: TC77ML
OSX: QCT.81.8.9

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1 Replies


Hi Felix,

There is a sample app at Data Capture - Zebra Technologies Techdocs  but you may wish to take a look at the following article which details the recommended approach to achieving this through the DataWedge API: ​

Since that article was written EMDK 7.1 has been released which no longer documents the Data Capture profiles so you may need to refer to EMDK 6.8 documentation.  I will update the article in due course.

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