Basic WML not working in ZT410

K Kandarp Bhatt 3 years 5 months ago
431 2 0

We are trying to do basic WML screen in ZT410 priter but it is not showing results are required.

Hello World!!

the same file we sent through USB and the same is shown in E: as INDEX.WML but when we re boot the printer it does not show required data as requested.
Our primary intention is to show support mail address on screen with toll free number for printer call log process.

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2 Replies

D Dmitry Prokhorov

Hello Kandarp,
It may me not enough to send your WML file to printer. Printer is using display.root_wml setting value to decide which control file is first processed by the printer’s front panel. And this setting may have improper value.

Seems you need to check value with SGD command:
! U1 getvar "display.root_wml"

In case it is not equal to your file name you can set it with:
! U1 setvar "display.root_wml" "INDEX.WML"

Also, for teste purposes you can show a card from your WML file on the front panel with following command:
! U1 setvar "display.load_card" "INDEX.WML#myCard"

It also requires your card to have id attribute this way:

Hello World!!

See details here:…

Dmitry Prokhorov
Software Engineer, Kutir Mobility
Posted on behalf of Zebra Technologies

K Kandarp Bhatt

Dear Dmitry
Many thanks for your prompt responce I have get the result the only thing is it shows very narrow font
is there any way to increase the font size on Cards with WML command.

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