Print arabic font in ios

s seydbasil basil 3 years 5 months ago
36 1 0

Hello everyone,

     I am using below zpl code to print arabic font in Android and IOS
        ^FO50,50^A1N30,30^FDHello محاكمة‏ This is sample^FS

     1 - In Android this zpl perfectly works with this android code. Both english and arabic is printing
           val zebraPrinter = ZebraPrinterFactory.getInstance(connection)
           zebraPrinter.printStoredFormat(zpl, HashMap())
    2 -   But in IOS just prints blank data with this swift code. Even not showing english font

           let printer = try ZebraPrinterFactory.getInstance(connection)
           try printer.getFormatUtil()?.printStoredFormat(zpl, with: NSMutableDictionary())

     when i remove arabic font from zpl and print only english font, it is working in IOS

     I want someone help. Thanks in advance

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1 Replies

s seydbasil basil

     Hi dears
         I am happy to inform you, i successfully printed arabic in IOS with this swift code
              let printer = try ZebraPrinterFactory.getInstance(connection)
              try printer.getFormatUtil()?.printStoredFormat(zpl, with: NSMutableDictionary(), andWithEncoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)

          I was looking for arabic print past three days . This code can use for all unicode fonts
                                                                                                         Thanks All

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