Need documentation about BT LE Services

E Ekkehard Gentz 3 years 5 months ago
4 2 0

I want to use mobile Printers via Bluetooth LE.
Is there a documentation about Zebra Printers BT LE API ?
Need docs about Bluetooth LE Custom Services and Custom Characteristics used by Zebra Printers.
Android/ iOS SDKs don't help because I'm developing using Qt (C++/QML)

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2 Replies


There is a sample app on GitHub - ZebraPrinterBLEDemo, a long with a good README​. Though the sample is in Objective-C, its README outlines key services and characteristics for read/write to the printer over BT LE. At the end of the README, it lists out a few references. The Link-OS Environment Bluetooth Low Energy AppNote is the specifications of the BT LE on all Zebra printers, including the UUIDs for services and characteristics. Hope this helps.

E Ekkehard Gentz

thanks - that's exactly what I was looking for

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