linkOsPrinter.downloadTtfFont(..) executed too long

A Alex Alex 3 years 5 months ago
4 1 0

Hello, I'm using android sdk , here is my code:

Connection connection = new BluetoothLeConnection(macAddress, this);; 
ZebraPrinter printer = ZebraPrinterFactory.getInstance(PrinterLanguage.ZPL, connection); 
ZebraPrinterLinkOs linkOsPrinter = ZebraPrinterFactory.createLinkOsPrinter(printer, PrinterLanguage.ZPL); 
linkOsPrinter.downloadTtfFont("/storage/emulated/0/fonts/DroidItalic.ttf", "Z:Droid"); 

downloadTtfFont(..) -- this method executed more than 2 hours,(file size is 174kB) ? is it normal?  can I do something to reduce execution time?

Thank you in advance!

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1 Replies

D Dmitry Prokhorov

Hello Alex,

Could you please provide more details on your Bluetooth connection and your printer?
Also, isn't it an option for you to download fonts to printer in advance, using USB connection?
You can use Zebra Setup Utilities to download your fonts to your printer

Hope it helps.

Dmitry Prokhorov
Software Engineer, Kutir Mobility
Posted on behalf of Zebra Technologies

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