QR Code Question

D Derek Hettinger 3 years 5 months ago
38 2 0

Hello there,

I'm a pharmacist in Colorado looking to add a bit of efficiency to our workflow.
We're using the Zebra handhelds and I'd like to make a QR Code or barcode for special characters:

Up Arrow
Down Arrow

How would I go about doing this?
~ DH

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2 Replies

D Dmitry Prokhorov

Hello Derek,

With QR code you can print any characters in any encoding using binary mode. In alphanumeric mode it would be an option to print special characters using some prefix character(s) that is(/are) not used in your typical data.  Like that: "\F3", "\ENTER", "\UP", "\DOWN". Or like that: "%F3%", "%ENTER%", and so on. Then you can substitute these values to needed special characters on scan code read stage. To save code space you can use short versions like: "%F3%", "%E%", "%U%", "%D%".

With Code 39​ you can print alphanumeric characters and some special characters and control codes. Say there are codes for CR and LF characters that can be used to print Enter. Also there are other special characters. In case they are not used in your data you can use them instead of your special characters to print barcode. Then substitute them to needed special characters on scan code read stage.

Hope it helps.

Dmitry Prokhorov
Software Engineer, Kutir Mobility
Posted on behalf of Zebra Technologies

D Derek Hettinger

Mr. Prokhorov,

I tried making \F3 and %F3% via an online QR code generator.
It didn't create the F3 character on the zebra when scanned.

What should I have done?
Sorry, totally new to this.


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