Direct Connection options in .NET

S Stuart Saxonberg 3 years 5 months ago
64 2 0

I'm integrating a ZD420 to our point-of-sale system for printing labels; we really don't want to take a huge dependency tree and installer overhead on the Link-OS SDK (200+ megs, no thank you?) just to send a small packet of ZPL to a printer.

Is there documentation showing how to connect directly via TCP/IP and do basic status and communication conversations with the printer?


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2 Replies

B Bob LobLob


D Dmitry Prokhorov

Hello Stuart,

Also, by sending the ASCII character sequence "^XA~JD^XZ" you can enable printer diagnostic mode. You can use "^XA~JE^XZ" sequence to disable diagnostic mode.
In diagnostic mode it should print out the label metrics are committed to the printers flash memory on every print request. This way you could be able to see label metrics sent to your printer from Link-OS SDK and then use captured metrics values in your direct communication with printer.
You can find more details in ZPL II Programming Guide here…

Dmitry Prokhorov
Software Engineer, Kutir Mobility
Posted on behalf of Zebra Technologies

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