missing check digit

J Josiah Hennard 3 years 5 months ago
25 2 0

when scanning, the results never return the check digit for UPCE barcodes.  i'm likely missing something during configuration, but can't find a related setting in the api docs.

does anyone have any idea how i can get the results to include the check digit?

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2 Replies


Hi, There are settings to enable reporting of the check digit, here are the API links for Android: ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Upce0 (app API) , ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Upce1 (app API) , ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.UpcEanParams (app API)  but the report check digit option also exists in EMDK for Xamarin and DataWedge.

I am not an expert but hope that helps(!)

J Josiah Hennard


Thanks so much!  That's exactly what I was looking for.

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