Multiple label styles in one print results in multiple cuts

N Norman Clelland 3 years 5 months ago
63 2 0


There is a requirement to produce a label sheet on a Zebra 6M PLUS. This label sheet is comprised of 6 x 3 rows of one label (using PQ command) design followed by 1 x 3 row of a different label design.

The problem I am encountering is that after the 7 rows have printed, I need a label cut. However, what actually happens is the label prints the 6 rows, cuts, then prints the 7th row followed by another cut.

Is there capability to control the cut so that all 7 rows are contiguous on one sheet followed by the cut instead of two cuts caused by different label designs?

Happy to provide sample code as required.


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2 Replies


Are the 7 rows in one ZPL or in two ZPL? I would assume they are in two separate ZPL, one for the first 6 rows and one for the 7th row.

By default, the pause and cut (p parameter) of ^PQ command is set to 0, which means there will be no cut. Please make sure the parameter of ^PQ is correct in the first ZPL to disable the cut. Hope this helps.

N Norman Clelland

Thanks for your reply - see my sample code below, I've highlighted the PQ on the single line of labels - if I wish to disable the cut for that, is there a switch that will do that?

^FO40,20^AA,36,20^FDJohn SMITH^FS
^FO700,20^AA,36,20^FDJohn SMITH^FS
^FO1360,20^AA,36,20^FDJohn SMITH^FS
^FO40,60^AA,36,20^FD123 SESAME STREET^FS
^FO700,60^AA,36,20^FD123 SESAME STREET^FS
^FO1360,60^AA,36,20^FD123 SESAME STREET^FS
^FO20,75^AA,36,20^FDCHI: TV00000001^FS
^FO680,75^AA,36,20^FDCHI: TV00000001^FS
^FO1340,75^AA,36,20^FDCHI: TV00000001^FS
^FO20,155^AA,36,20^FDSMITH John^FS
^FO680,155^AA,36,20^FDSMITH John^FS
^FO1340,155^AA,36,20^FDSMITH John^FS
^FO20,195^AA,36,20^FD123 SESAME STREET^FS
^FO680,195^AA,36,20^FD123 SESAME STREET^FS
^FO1340,195^AA,36,20^FD123 SESAME STREET^FS

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