Malformed status response in .net sdk

M Mike Roosa 3 years 5 months ago
155 1 0

I'm using the .net sdk and my code seems to be working fine for most of our printers. We have about 25 printers, but with 2 of them I'm getting this error:

Malformed status response - unable to determine printer status

We've tried unplugging the printer and resetting them, but no luck.

The line of code that is getting the error is
var printerStatus = printer.GetCurrentStatus();

  Message=Malformed status response - unable to determine printer status
   at Zebra.Sdk.Printer.Internal.PrinterStatusZpl.GetPrinterStatus()
   at Zebra.Sdk.Printer.Internal.PrinterStatusZpl.UpdateStatus()
   at Zebra.Sdk.Printer.PrinterStatus.GetStatusFromPrinter()
   at Zebra.Sdk.Printer.PrinterStatus..ctor(Connection printerConnection)
   at Zebra.Sdk.Printer.Internal.ZebraPrinterZpl.GetCurrentStatus()
   at LabelPrint.Helpers.PrintHelper.CheckStatus(ZebraPrinter printer) in D:\code\label-print\LabelPrint\Helpers\PrintHelper.cs:line 52
   at LabelPrint.Services.PrintService.c__DisplayClass0_0.b__0() in D:\code\label-print\LabelPrint\Services\PrintService.cs:line 21
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke()
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()

Any ideas on what I can look at. I used the code from here as a guide:

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1 Replies

E Ezra Weinstein

Hi Mike, did you ever resolve this problem?  I have the same issue happening with some of my printers. Thanks in advance for your help.

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