Image file location on Print Connect

A Arnold Joseph Ballesteros 3 years 5 months ago
24 0 0

ON THE GRAPHIC print sample code below from Print connect user guide page 98 , where is the ZebraLogo.jpg  file located ?  Is the file real on the app or just a sample, if just a sample then where is the default location for images?  Is it the same location as the Template folder?

Button graphicPrint = (Button) findViewById(;
graphicPrint.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.setComponent(new ComponentName("com.zebra.printconnect",
intent.putExtra("com.zebra.printconnect.PrintService.GRAPHIC_FILE_NAME", "ZebraLogo.jpg");
// Image rotation in degrees (0, 90, 180, 270)
intent.putExtra("com.zebra.printconnect.PrintService.GRAPHIC_FILE_ROTATION", 180);
// Image margin top in dots
intent.putExtra("com.zebra.printconnect.PrintService.GRAPHIC_FILE_MARGIN_TOP", 10);
// Image margin left in dots
intent.putExtra("com.zebra.printconnect.PrintService.GRAPHIC_FILE_MARGIN_LEFT", 0);
// Image margin bottom in dots
intent.putExtra("com.zebra.printconnect.PrintService.GRAPHIC_FILE_MARGIN_BOTTOM", 10);
// Center image horizontally (default is false)
intent.putExtra("com.zebra.printconnect.PrintService.GRAPHIC_FILE_CENTER", true);
// Image horizontal scaling amount in percentage points (5-300)
intent.putExtra("com.zebra.printconnect.PrintService.GRAPHIC_FILE_SCALE_X", 25);
// Image vertical scaling amount in percentage points (5-300)
intent.putExtra("com.zebra.printconnect.PrintService.GRAPHIC_FILE_SCALE_Y", 25);
intent.putExtra("com.zebra.printconnect.PrintService.RESULT_RECEIVER", buildIPCSafeReceiver(new
ResultReceiver(null) {
protected void onReceiveResult(int resultCode, Bundle resultData) {
if (resultCode == 0) { // Result code 0 indicates success
// Handle successful print
} else {
// Handle unsuccessful print
// Error message (null on successful print)
String errorMessage = resultData.getString("com.zebra.printconnect.PrintService.ERROR_MESSAGE");

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