QLn 420 How to position for Tear Off

H Harald Henkel 3 years 5 months ago
284 1 0


We bought a QLn 420 for Demo perposes.
We would like to print labels by CPCL driver and by ZPL.

I didn't succeed to make the printer position after a CPCL label correctly, so that the tear off bar is in front of the label gap after printing a label.
I tried to configure some values using the driver, send configuration using Zebra Setup Utility and creating a RUN.BAT file with
PRESENT-AT and / or SETFF commands.

Nothing helped. Either the label doesn't come out far enough or too far, but completely inconsistently.

And there is another problem: It prints only every second label, after one label the next only some dots/lines are printed...

We are using black mark paper of 152,4mm length and 104mm wide.
The printer is connected via USB (currently).

When printing the Configuration Info from the Printer Menu, it (now) says:
Tear Off: +000
Print Mode: Tear Off
Media Type: Mark
Sensor Select: Reflective
Print Width: 623 ---> this is only 79mm!!!
Label Length: 1230
Backfeed: Before
Label Top: +000
Left Position: +0000
Reprint Mode: Disabled
Web Sensor: 020Media Sensor: 024Take Label: 128
Mark Sensor: 027
Mark Med Sensor: 027
Trans Gain: 153
Trans Base: 000
Trans LED: 059
Mark Gain: 164
Mark LED: 055
Resolution: 832 8/mm Full
Link-OS Version: 4.0
Firmware: V68.20.01Z

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1 Replies


Hi Harald,
I hope you got this working, but there are a few things you can do. If you intend to print through the driver, then the ZPL driver is more useful.  The first thing to do is calibrate the media. The setting to do that is in the driver, under Printing Preferences -> Tools -> Action -> Calibrate Media.
After that, you want to use the Options and Advanced Setup tabs to set up the media settings.  Make sure the "Use printer settings" box is not checked if you want to have the driver set everything including print width there.
The printer has no sensor to detect the media width, only the length, so you have to set it.

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