Rotated label (album orientation) with Russian symbols

V Victoria Korotaeva 3 years 5 months ago
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I sent a string of ZPL code to the industrial printer Zebra ZT420
The command ^FWR works for default font, but refuses to work properly with cyrilic symbols.See the code below
Does anyone suceed to print the label with symbols from UTF-8 code for label on album orientation?

^XA^FWR^CF0,80^FO950,50^GB150,1600,3^FS^FO960,80^CI28^AZN^FDМатериал^FS^FO960,380^CI28^AZN^FDМойМатериал (400100)^FS^FX Third section with barcode.^BY8,2,350^FO175,80^BC^FD000007226901031^FS^XZ

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