RW 420 Printing Images Upside Down on some printers

R Ronan Egan 3 years 5 months ago
82 2 0

Hi there,
I have two Zebra RW 420 printers
One prints receipts perfectly
Firmware version: S39028
Software version : SHSCG11x20

The other printer prints upside down
Firmware version: S39029
Software version : SHCRW11z52

I upgraded the software on the printer with errors to
Software version : SHCRW11Z62

My questions are?
Are we using the wrong software version in the first printer?
Is there a command we can use to send to ZPL so the print image works the same for both?

This is our code used for printing

          string setLanguage = "\r\n! U1 setvar \"device.languages\" \"zpl\"\r\n";


          String signatureFooter = "^XA^PON^PW500^MNN^LL500^LH15,0^CFD,9,5";


          printer.PrintImage(Zebra.Sdk.Graphics.ZebraImageFactory.GetImage(resizedCustomerImage), 0, 0, resizedCustomerImage.Width, resizedCustomerImage.Height, true);


          printer.Connection.Write(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("\r\n! U1 setvar \"device.languages\" \"line_print\"\r\n"));

Thanks for your help

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2 Replies

R Ronan Egan

we fixed this by changing language to CPL before printing images, CPL always uses the correct orientation


Hi Ronan,
I would recommend updating the firmware on both printers
The ^PON should make everything print the same direction.  The question is what do you consider right side up?  In ZPL, right side up (Normal rotation) is with the top of the label coming out of the printer last.  This is opposite direction from many printers.  It makes it so that if the printer is hanging from a belt or strap, a second person looking at the printer will see the printout hanging right side up.

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