M Mike Fielden 3 years 5 months ago
51 3 0

I haven't found out how to get a bluetooth connection to the printer working through Android. I pair to the printer but through code it will not even create the connection to be able to call .connect(). I have tried on a TC75 & Honeywell ScanPal EDA70. I see the bluetooth mac address in printer menu and pass it to the ConnectionBuilder.Current.Build("BT:" + address); But it still says Zebra.Sdk.Comm.ConnectionException: Could not open connection string "BT:F0:45:DA:AA:6F:2A". I have enabled all 3 bluetooth privileges in the manifest BLUETOOTH, BLUETOOTH_ADMIN, BLUETOOTH_PRIVILEGED. Using Zebra ZD620 and TC75 and they don't work connecting to each other. I can print using an IP Address and port, but if I try with bluetooth. NOTHING WORKS. Bluetooth paired to device also. Using Xamarin Android and VS 2017 15.7.4. I have also tried the developer demos and they fail to find the printer, although the Zebra Printer Setup Android App CAN connect and pair to it, as well as print a test page. Any help is appreciated. This doesn't find the printer... No discovered devices 0 even though the printer is paired to the device? GitHub - Zebra/LinkOS-Xamarin-Samples at ZSDK_DevDemos

            string address = "BT:F0:45:DA:AA:6F:2A";

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3 Replies

R Ruan Silvis

I was only able to see that comments after I posted my own comment, so please see updated reply.
So I had the same issue where I am able to connect via Bluetooth to the Printer Setup Application on Android and even print test labels, but get the same error as above when trying to call ConnectionBuilder.Current.Build(address).
It seems that the ZD410 unit also only has BLE and not classic Bluetooth.
Do you perhaps have a working example on how to connect to a BLE device in c# Xamerin.Android?


Hi, can solve? i have same issue.


have same issue, you can solve it?

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