RFD2000 trigger event blocked by TCP connection?

M Marwin Rott 3 years 9 months ago
15 1 0

Good morning,

I'm currently developing a relatively simple RFID reader app for the TC20/RFD2000 using the RFID API3.
Its point is to scan RFIDs and send the tag data to a server application in JSON format via a simple TCP socket.

Now, for some reason I can't figure out, once I run the connection task that creates my TCP client instance and listens for server response, the trigger of the RFD2000 stops working. Checking Logcat I see that instead of the usual
05-25 09:06:58.444 13429-13447/com.saco.mrott.rfidapp I/Android SDK API: Notification_TriggerEvent TRIGGER_PRESS    Notification_TriggerEvent TRIGGER_RELEASEI get a lot of
05-25 09:06:54.663 13429-13429/com.saco.mrott.rfidapp D/RFIDAPI3: broadcast: TRIGGERScom.symbol.button.R105-25 09:06:54.900 13429-13429/com.saco.mrott.rfidapp D/RFIDAPI3: broadcast: TRIGGERScom.symbol.button.R105-25 09:06:55.155 13429-13429/com.saco.mrott.rfidapp D/RFIDAPI3: broadcast: TRIGGERScom.symbol.button.R105-25 09:06:56.152 13429-13429/com.saco.mrott.rfidapp D/RFIDAPI3: broadcast: TRIGGERScom.symbol.button.R105-25 09:06:56.349 13429-13429/com.saco.mrott.rfidapp D/RFIDAPI3: broadcast: TRIGGERScom.symbol.button.R1instead.
I'm relatively new to android development, but from what I gather it would appear that the notification event doesn't fire as it's supposed to.
I have no idea why this is, the TCPclient class I wrote has literally nothing to do with the API. What am I doing wrong?

Here's the class:
package com.saco.mrott.rfidapp.home.classes;import com.saco.mrott.rfidapp.home.application.Interfaces;import java.io.BufferedReader;import java.io.InputStreamReader;import java.io.PrintWriter;import java.net.InetAddress;import java.net.Socket;import java.util.List;/** * Very basic TCP client class that connects to a server on a specified port (port=6666 for testing, * we will see what port we later need to use) and is able to send and receive messages. */public class TCPclient {   public static final String SERVER_IP = "";  public static final int SERVER_PORT = 6666;  private String mServerMessage;  private Interfaces.OnMessageReceived mMessageListener = null;  private Boolean mRun = false;  private PrintWriter mBufferOut;  private BufferedReader mBufferIn;  public TCPclient (Interfaces.OnMessageReceived listener){   mMessageListener = listener;   }   public void sendMessage (final String message){  Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {   @Override   public void run() {   if (mBufferOut != null) {   mBufferOut.println(message + "\r\n");   mBufferOut.flush();   }  }  };   Thread thread = new Thread(runnable);   thread.start();   }   public void stopClient() {   mRun = false;  if (mBufferOut != null) {   mBufferOut.flush();   mBufferOut.close();   }   mMessageListener = null;   mBufferIn = null;   mBufferOut = null;   mServerMessage = null;   }   public void run() {   mRun = true;  try {  InetAddress serverAddress = InetAddress.getByName(SERVER_IP);   Socket socket = new Socket(serverAddress, SERVER_PORT);  try {   mBufferOut = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream());   mBufferIn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()));  int charsRead = 0;  char[] buffer = new char[1024];  while (mRun) {  charsRead = mBufferIn.read(buffer);   mServerMessage = new String(buffer).substring(0, charsRead);  if (mServerMessage != null && mMessageListener != null) {   mMessageListener.messageReceived(mServerMessage);   }   mServerMessage = null;   }  } catch (Exception e) {   // handle this somehow   } finally {  socket.close();   }  } catch (Exception e) {   // handle this somehow   }  }}and the AsyncTask that handles the connection:
public class ConnectTask extends AsyncTask {   @Override   protected TCPclient doInBackground (String... message) {   mClient = new TCPclient(new Interfaces.OnMessageReceived() {   @Override   public void messageReceived(String message) {  publishProgress(message);   }  });   mClient.run();  return null;   }   @Override   protected void onProgressUpdate (String... values) {   super.onProgressUpdate(values);   // handle server response here   }   @Override   protected void onCancelled() {   super.onCancelled();   mClient.stopClient();   }}

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1 Replies

J Jacob Haaf-Murphy

Did you ever find a solution to this? I believe I am having a similar problem with the RFID event triggers not firing.
Edit: Was able to see the comments after posting and executing a thread I am using on THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR resolved the issue.

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