bluetooth.le.controller_mode on iMZ

F F Sissaoui 3 years 5 months ago
14 0 0


I'm trying to check the current status of the Bluetooth Low Energy controller on my iMZ320 but I can't have the reply from the printer.

I tested to send ! U1 getvar "bluetooth"
This is working but there is no line about the bluetooth.le.controller_mode even if I click several time on "Send to printer"

Here is what I get:

bluetooth.discoverable : on , Choices: on,off
bluetooth.friendly_name : XXXXJ171602491
bluetooth.version : 5.5.2 : 10/03/2017
bluetooth.local_name : XXXXJ171602491
bluetooth.address : AC:3F:A4:5F:D4:67
bluetooth.bluetooth_pin : *
bluetooth.short_address : AC3FA45FD467
bluetooth.radio_version : 2.1
bluetooth.enable : on , Choices: on,off
bluetooth.connected : no
bluetooth.minimum_security_mode : 1 , Choices: 1,2,3,4
bluetooth.connected_security_mode : nc
bluetooth.bonding : on , Choices: on,off
bluetooth.enable_reconnect : off , Choices: off,iOS_only
bluetooth.allow_non_display_numeric_comparison : print , Choices: off,print,no print
bluetooth.json_config_channel_enable : on , Choices: on,off
bluetooth.page_scan_window : 60 , Choices: 15,60

I tested the command ! U1 getvar "bluetooth.le.controller_mode" but the printer reply "?"

Could you help me with this issue??

Many thanks

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