NativeScript BLE issues

R Roland Littlehales 3 years 9 months ago
46 0 0

Hi Zebra Team,
I am currently creating a NativeScript app (JavaScript which gets compiled into native code) to work with a ZQ520 printer using NativeScripts official BLE plugin on android devices (nativescript-bluetooth ).
The according to the documentation the ZQ520 supports both classic (3.0) and BLE (4.0) Bluetooth.I am currently trying to connect directly to the printer and on a successful connection the plugin then searches the device for its services which is when the device returns a GATT Internal Error (129).
I have tried this while being paired and unpaired.
When I print out the printer configuration i see that it is running Bluetooth 4.3.1 but that the Bluetooth spec is set to 3.0 would this be an issue?
See below for the output from the plugin:
Connecting to peripheral with UUID: AC:3F:A4:89:68:C9
_MyGattCallback.onConnectionStateChange, status: 0, new state: 2discovering services.._MyGattCallback.onServicesDiscovered, status (0=success): 129

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