My activity looks like this:
my C# looks like this:
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
// Set our view from the "main" layout resource
TextView statusBox = FindViewById(Resource.Id.kiosModeStatus);
// Get our button from the layout resource,
// and attach an event to it
Button enableButton = FindViewById(Resource.Id.EnableButton);
enableButton.Click += delegate
Intent intent = new Intent("com.symbol.enterprisehomescreen.actions.MODIFY_KIOSK_MODE");
Intent.PutExtra("enable", true);
statusBox.Text = "Enabling....Enable";
Button disableButton = FindViewById(Resource.Id.DisableButton);
disableButton.Click += delegate
Intent intent = new Intent("com.symbol.enterprisehomescreen.actions.MODIFY_KIOSK_MODE");
Intent.PutExtra("enable", false);
statusBox.Text = "Disabling....Disabled";
the button fires, but kiosk mode is still set to whatever value it was set to before the app started.
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