Why does Zebra shrink the page?

// Expert user has replied.
A Aditya Garg 3 years 5 months ago
147 2 0

I have been trying to use the ZD500 with LinkOS to develop and iOS for sort of label printing. Couple of things I was hoping someone can shed some light on
1) I see the printer keeps shrinking my input PDF. To print on a 4" wide x 3" high label roll, I need to provide a US Letter size page which the printer shrinks to the 4x3 size. When I provide a 4x3 pdf, the output is a stamp size print on my 4x3 paper. Why does that happen? If there a piece of code doing that I can remove? Some printer config I can change?
2) My ZD500 comes with a auto-cutter. Currently I believe it chops off the the label based on a small gap between 2 consecutive labels. But I want to be able to use a simple continuous label and be able to cut the label based on code, or at least based on some printer configuration. Is that possible?

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2 Replies

M Manuel Caicedo-Rivera

Hi Aditya,

How are you rendering your PDF? Is it a PDF virtual device downloaded and activated on your ZD500?  Is it your own rendering? If so, are you converting to image?
Please, let us know a little more about it.



A Aditya Garg

Hi Manuel
This is PDF at some URL on a server. Using iOS NSURLConnection I download the PDF to NSData format. Then using the sdk methods for LinkOS iOS I try to print this. Most of those steps are from PrintPreviewController provided in LinkOS sdk. 2 main methods being...
sendImageToPrinter - obtain graphicsUtil object for the printer
printPDF:(id) graphicsUtil - I modified this a little to take NSData instead of URL String.
Convert NSData to CFDataRef to CGDataProviderRef to CGPDFDocumentRef.
Once a CGPDFDocumentRef object is obtained, its the same function.
Take each page (in my case, its always 1 page), use
[self imageFromPDF:pdf page:pageNum]
which was provided in the class in the SDK to get an image and  once you have the image, use
[graphicsUtil printImage:[image CGImage] atX:0 atY:0 withWidth:-1 withHeight:-1 andIsInsideFormat:NO error:&error];
to send image to printer.

Please let me know if you need more details

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