Android WebView not loading ?

S Sumeet Arora 3 years 5 months ago
4 1 0

I'm trying to create an app with WebView, but the website is using https, and the content (for ex. audio file) uses http, so Android Lollipop won't load it because it is "Mixed Content". I tried to use onReceivedSslError handler.proceed(); function, but it didn't load anything. Is there a way to fix this loading issue? or could I just make all websites loaded use http, so It doesn't show any errors?
Please anyone help me,

Can you  suggest me few android developer forum website urls related to android questions and answers for the error fixup of webview loading issue along with improving android programming knowledge.

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1 Replies


Sumeet, could you provide the device model and and OS version you are using?

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