General Information about RhoMobile

A Adam Melkus 3 years 9 months ago
0 1 0

Greetings everybody,

I am doing research for my diploma thesis in which I will be evaluating and using RhoMobile to develop an application for iOS, Android and Windows Phone 8.
I have some questions about RhoMobile Framework.

How can one manage certificates with RhoMobile application? Can it access the native keystore or does it have to manage certificates locally within the app itself?
Can one make native extensions for Windows Phone? I found nothing in the documentation. If so where can i find more information about it?
How is the technical support for RhoMobile. Can please somebody share their experience of issue solving with tech support?
How quickly does the development team react in case of critical security issues? Also are there currently some known security issues?
And my last question is about the future of RhoMobile.

In the API matrix I can see that for Windows Phones many features are not yet available. Is better support for WP planned?
What is the release cycle of new versions of RhoMobile?
To fully access the capabilities of RhoMobile one must use Ruby, but in recent versions many of the Ruby APIs are getting JS counterparts. My last question is what long term goal of this move is. Is it so that developers in the future can choose which language to use for developing RhoMobile applications?

I know it is a lot of question, I hope to get answers to at least some of them.

Thank you and have a nice day.

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1 Replies

J Jon Tara

You can make extensions for Windows Phone. The best place to learn is probably to look at existing code. Rhodes is an open-source project and "eats it's own dogfood", and since new 4.0+ API/extension structure was introduced, many/most of the standard APIs are implemented actually as extensions. So, you can examine the source code and see how it is implemented on each platform.

The JS APIs are some fallout from the new 4.x+ API/extension structure. A Javascript API is now generated automatically, without any effort by the extension developer. Realize that the Javascript APIs just "bridge" to Ruby/native code, and so there is some additional overhead passing requests/responses/parameters between Javascript and Ruby. It provides an additional language option, but also in many cases it may just be more convenient to call some particular API directly from the UI. So, with the JS API you have a choice.

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