Reject from AppStore for iOS8

D Deepali Singh 3 years 5 months ago
3 1 0

Hello Folks,

We have developed Rhodes application using Rhodes 4.0.0 and Xcode 5.0.0. And have submitted the app in AppStore for approval but got a reject from Apple, they stated the reason as "Apps must follow the iOS Data Storage guidelines or they will be rejected".

I have attached the mail I received from Apple.

Kindly look at the feedback from Apple and suggest a solution for the same.

Deepali Singh

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1 Replies

J Jon Tara

I'm surprised that's the only reason the rejected it.

You will need to use Rhodes 5.0.30 and Xcode 6.1.1 or Xcode 6.2.

Apps will be rejected unless built for 32/64 bit architecture, and for at least iOS 8.1. Rhodes 5.0.30 is the first version of Rhodes that builds 64-bit for iOS.

Updating to Rhodes 5.0.30 should not be difficult. There are not a lot of changes from 4.0. It is much less than from 3.x. 4.x -> 5.x was mainly a "marketing" change. It doesn't indicate major change of functionality or API compatibility.

I believe the specific issue you encountered was fixed long ago. If you search the forum you will find some information. There was an issue about database locations. If not fixed, then you will find posts showing how to correct it, but realize you are using an obsolete Rhodes version, and those posts may deal with what is currently a non-problem.

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